Let's look at the 2 codebases:
git clone https://github.com/gluster/glusterfs.git
git clone https://github.com/openstack/swift.git
>du -h --summarize glusterfs/
44M glusterfs/
>du -h --summarize swift/
15M swift
Well, gluster is 3 times the size, let's take a more detailed look at the code:
>cloc --by-file-by-lang glusterfs/
Language files comment code
C 272 14179 256462
C/C++ Header 214 5289 23208
XML 24 2 6544
Python 25 1836 5114
m4 3 85 1447
Bourne Shell 34 359 1419
Java 7 168 988
make 107 36 965
yacc 1 15 468
Lisp 2 59 124
vim script 1 49 89
lex 1 15 64
SUM: 691 22092 296892
>cloc --by-file-by-lang swift/
Language files comment code
Python 101 6137 32575
CSS 3 59 627
Bourne Shell 8 138 251
HTML 2 0 82
Bourne Again Shell 3 0 23
SUM: 117 6334 33558
Hm, gluster has 8 times more lines of C code (SLOC) than swift has python code. I'm not in the position to compare python with C (other than stating that as of 2012 they seem to be similarly popular) but if we simply assumed that the numbers of errors per lines of code is similar swift may at some point have a stability advantage over gluster. Gluster has been developed for many years and it took a long time to come along. Swift is only been around for 2 years and some really big shops seem to be betting on it. Of course this is somewhat an apples to oranges comparison because Gluster is accessible as posix file system and object store and also has it's own protocol stack (NFS/glusterfs) while Swift just uses HTTP. Also performance considerations are not discussed here.
As a comparison, the Linux kernel has roughly 25 million lines of code and a tool like GNU make has about 33000 lines of code. Make is not a very complex piece of software. Is OpenStack swift?
As a comparison, the Linux kernel has roughly 25 million lines of code and a tool like GNU make has about 33000 lines of code. Make is not a very complex piece of software. Is OpenStack swift?